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Who's in Charge Here? 3 ways to regain control of your life

Women stretching her legs while sitting on a dock with the ocean behind her

Mid-life resembles controlled chaos. There are so many things changing all at once and the worst of it is almost all of them are outside your control. It feels like you are standing inside the eye of a tornado watching life spin violently around you.

That being said, it's essential now more than ever for you to regain control over 3 major components of your life: your mental health, your physical health, and your productivity.

“Happiness is a mindset for your journey, not a result of your destination.”

-Shawn Achor

Control your mental health by understanding what happiness is to you.

Too often we tie our happiness to a job or a goal or a person. We say things like "I'll be happy when I..." or "If only I could find happiness." These statements, or mindsets clearly tell the Universe that we don't have control and are making wishes. If that's the case, then happiness is a something that we may never have because we are giving away our control over it.

If you don't identify as a happy person, why not? What's within your control right now that would help you to feel happy versus unhappy? Watch the words you use and how you talk about yourself. This is a great time for self-compassion.

"You are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, easy, or fake."


Control your physical health by taking responsibility for your consumption and movement.

Mid-life causes CRAZY changes in the way our bodies work. Metabolism slows down. Hormones go out of whack. Body composition shifts seemingly overnight. This is a great time to remember that what we consume and how much we move can be redefined to fit our new normal.

A consumption example would be alcohol. The way we metabolized it in our younger years is not the same as we do now. There are also a ton of NA options available now that we didn't have before. Is it time to redefine how you consume alcohol on your night out?

A movement example could be how your joints are not allowing you to attend the kickboxing classes you used to love. That doesn't mean that you can't still get in a good workout, it just might have to look different. Is it time to redefine how you move to burn calories?

"Either you run the day or the day runs you."

-Jim Rohn

Control your productivity by managing your own motivation.

Who is in charge of motivating you? You are! Now granted, there are days when external factors derail your best laid plans. Maybe you woke from a bad night's sleep or have a confrontation with someone who drains you emotionally. We don't bounce back from these like we used to. But, it is up to you to find the motivation to move on.

If you are someone who is intrinsically motivated then now might be a good time to make some changes to your routines so that you get done what you want to. If you are someone who is extrinsically motivated then now might be a good time to re-evaluate boundaries and expectations with a supervisor. Remembering what you are working for and toward is a great motivator, no matter which you are.

Even a little extra control over your mental or physical health and your productivity can make a big difference in how you look and feel about yourself. Don't wait another day to start making some changes. If you aren’t sure how to begin, let’s talk. Schedule a complimentary strategy session at

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