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2 New Ways to React When Fear Appears

Updated: Jan 18

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Fear is so misunderstood. By definition, fear is "an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined." It is a primal emotion that, according to, lasts for about 6 seconds. So why, then, does it feel like it can take over my entire day?

The fear I'm talking about here is the non-life threatening kind. It's the kind that leads to self-doubt and impacts my mood and productivity. Because of that, I'm challenging myself to see fear differently.

During my year-end review of 2023 to prepare for 2024, I was disappointed in what I had not accomplished. My review revealed too many times where I had allowed fear to derail me and allowed self-doubt to overwrite well-laid plans. I was very displeased with myself so I put my foot down and declared I was going to stop fearing fear.

But how was I supposed to go from allowing fear to shut me down to using it as a motivator? What I came up with as I worked it all out in my mind was related to permission and respect.


A great way to disrupt fear's impact on my mood is to remember that it is normal and that I should not dismiss it. Rather, I should give it permission to explain itself.

How many times have you been in a situation where you stop what you are doing and ask, "Fear, is that you?" Almost never, right? But what if you did? What if you acknowledged its presence and gave it permission to hang around for the full 6 seconds or longer so you had time to train your brain to react differently? In 2024 I intend to give this a try.


A great way to disrupt your normalized reaction to fear is to believe that it is a teacher and deserves your respect.

Like any teacher, fear has a lesson to share. So why not pay attention to it and learn from it? Fear used to take over too much of my day because I allowed it to. In 2024 I intend to take control of its visit by respecting it like the teacher. Then, when I'm done with it, I'll show it the door.

None of this is going to happen quickly or easily, I know that. But I also know that I can't continue to lose time to fear. I've got things to do!

Today is your day, my friend, so make it a good one by addressing your fears and making yourself a priority. Need someone to talk to about changing habits and behaviors so you can do so? Schedule a complimentary strategy session at

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