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  • Writer's pictureTracy

Think Small to Accomplish Big: Why I set monthly goals instead of yearly ones

I believe in setting goals. Goals are a roadmap to follow when I’ve made a commitment to accomplish something. Goals help me make sense of today because I’ve identified how I want tomorrow to look. But, the way I use goals has been changing.

a runner's feet with orange shoes going up stairs

Every December I wrap-up my year by evaluating what went well and what didn’t. This annual review would lead me to set a handful of new goals for the upcoming year. But in December of 2022 I had a revelation that shook my world.

Why was I making rigid proclamation that would inevitably be ravaged by unforeseen circumstances?

Instead of goals for 2023 I drafted a list of priorities. The two big ones, just to give you some context, are improving my health and growing my coaching business. Instead of a big goal for the year I created a plan to set smaller, more time specific and attainable goals that directly address each of my priorities.

Why? Because in 365 days, a lot can and will happen. Obstacles will present themselves. Opportunities will present themselves. But, in 28, 30, or 31 days, these obstacles and opportunities will be more manageable. 2023 is 1/3 over and I’ve made more forward progress so far with these smaller goals than I did all of last year with big ones!

Here’s what I’ve been doing to set goals that move the needle on each of my priorities.

Prepare – I schedule a 2-hour block of time at the end of the month to work on my goals for the next month. I put the same focused energy into my monthly planning as I did for my yearly planning. I find a quiet space and make myself a lovely cup of tea. I engage all my senses to ground myself and be fully present. I feel the warmth of the cup and sip it as I watch birds flit about the feeder and listen to relaxing music.

Review – Next, I review my calendar to note what I accomplished and didn’t get accomplished this past month. It’s important to me that I look back before looking forward. This puts my reality into perspective.

Assess – Now it’s time to bring the schedule for the next 4 plus weeks into focus. I need to know where my time is already allocated in order to know what is available. This shifts my mind to the future. I review my priorities, too, and tweak them if needed.

Create – Armed with facts, I’m ready to create goals and action steps. These goals that are relevant to my priorities and attainable in the time I have available.

The success and impact of these short-term goals motivates me unlike any of the yearly ones ever did. Thinking smaller so I could accomplish bigger has allowed me to #BEin2023.

Today is your day, my friend, so make it a good one!

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